I am finding this one really hard this week. Please help. 1d A pointedly obdurate comparison (2,4,2,5) a- h--- -- ----- 10a Punishing distances? (4) --d- 16a Hazel's case epitomised? (3-5)--t -h---...
Brain not working today. Please can someone help 1a I pace around, around cold, cold area (3,3) no letters 2d Imprison Tory with penalty (7) --n---e 4d Yanks follow medical check with hard exercises...
Brain not working today. Please help. 21a Article on unknown author (4) no letters 22a He's in the reorganised war department (6) -d-a-d 23a Draw colour in rows (6) t----- 19d Habit of upper-class...
Bottom left corner stumped me 17a Possibly Reg thinks of a red card(4,2,6) ---g -- -e-r-s ( ? of hearts)? 16d Keeping up an empty compartment (6) no letters 19d Nelson held her in high esteem, maybe!...
Stuck with five today. Please help 7a Get out of bed (6) u----o- 2d Small cask for fresh water - or sea water (7) 15d Special gifts of money (7) ---e--- 18a Hotel employee brought to book (4) ---e 25a...
6d) Inherited from forefathers (9) a?c???r??
20a) Person who collects information for encyclopedias (8) ???p????
17d) Stare vacantly (at) (6) ???g?e...