Last one to get is COTW Will’s Kate maybe astute to drop Duke (5) S???? I am thinking this might be a reference to Shakespeare and Kate Hathaway rather than to the Wales but can’t get further than...
2d Chief Officer stupefied after losing a stone (4) A?H? Only ACHE or ACHY seem to fit but cannot parse. 4d Last to stop go in (6) T?E?D? Again only TRENDS or TRENDY or TWEEDY seem to fit but cannot...
Last one to get and should be simple. 22a Conclude corporation's doing a U-turn (4) ?T?P Must be STOP meaning Conclude but where does the corporation's U-turn come in? I would take U-turn to mean read...
15d should be simple but isn't. French art teacher at first gets special treatment (3) E?T
French "art" as in "thou art" would give ET and "teacher at first" gives T but what is ETT?...
22a mild northern oath recalled by president (6) ?u???e looks like “ease up” spelt backwards but I can find no hint of a President Puesae!
COTW Outsize bust? It must be held in for gym! (4)...
Two interlocking clues to get with the common letter marked^ 22a I’m one to keep quiet and leave (5) I?^?I 23d Birth control methods that are good value for money (5) ^?I?S And COTW Alcohol confined...
Last two to get which interlink 21d Energetic types, engineers going around Turkey (9) S???P?E?S must be either Strippers or Scrappers but can’t see it. Whichever it is makes 23a Fish from Channel...
Last one and I am stumped. The usual sites like Danword have not got an answer that fits:
10d Central band of an entablature ornamented with sculpted reliefs ?R?E?U...
Last one:
17d Causes gradual change and so uplifted Grandma (7) ?S?O?E?
Is "osmoses" a word i.e. the verb form of osmosis? Might be "gradual change" but no idea about Grandma!...
Last two to get and they are inter-linked: 14a Money needed for type of band (5) ?R?^? 15d Kitchen utensil (6) ^?E?E? The kitchen utensil must be PEELER or OPENER which means 14a is ?R?P? or ?R?O?...
Last two to get: 7d Nail catches a foot from behind (6) ?A?T?N looks like it could be FASTEN - it has AFT in it which is behind which is also A Foot but can't quite make it work. COTW Ship rocks on...