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Last one to get. 25d Middle Eastern type somewhat disciplinarian on the way up (5) I?a?i It looks like Iraqi but where is the disciplinarian?...
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COTW Comeback from a Republican claiming “fake” news (6)...
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Final two to get: 16a Girl of little worth once in India (4) ?n?a Anna, Anya? COTW Lies lead to Farage, as reality gets distorted (5,5)...
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Last one to get. 20d Balls take a bashing in this perverted vice trap (6) ?e?n?s Looks like Tennis but where’s the vice trap?...
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Last one and it should be simple but ..... 1d Ladies perhaps spoken of in West Country town (4) ?O?E...
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Last two to get 8d Given recurrent idea in well-known sea (6) T?e?e? COTW Song composed to win lady's heart (8)...
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Last two to get 11ac A page expressing criticism in post (9) E?p?i?t?d I can't find any words that match this pattern. Emprinted should of course be Imprinted. 24d Lock stronghold for going away (5)...
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20ac Throughout season instant messaging (6) P?s?i? 24d Savings schemes in West Indies and South America twice (5) S?s?s. I am looking for SA SA WI but can’t see it. 23d Tries Handel’s overture on...
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Rather big feature of Stalin:holding back poor ?a?l?s? Tallish?...
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Final two to get: 2d Lack drink? Drop dead! s?o?t?a?l. Looks like Shortfall. Fall = drop and lack = short and a drink can also be a short, but where is dead? 22a Boris's dodgy name for Queen - "shaggy...
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9ac Outstanding depth of colour in solvent A?e?o?e Must be Awesome but where is the colour and the solvent? Clue of the Week "open-mindedness of revolutionary band getting into ecstasy" T???????E...
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Last one to get. 11a. One who accepts Boris unquestioningly at first: “One’s uncouth”. B?y?r Could be “buyer” as one who accepts goods or “bayer” as one who bays or brays and is thus...
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7ac Live with a Tory? danger warning! ?e?c?n DEFCON is a danger warning but why is DEF “live with”? At a stretch it could be BEACON but “Be a” does not mean “live with”...
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Last one to get. 9d on the way up, hostel sing partly in minor keys. -S-E-S Oddly ungrammatical clue....
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Final one to get 11A it was much maligned once, dipping end of prick in drink. S-o-a...
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Finished the crossword but stuck on Clue of the Week Carroll’s lead in a story (5). Carroll is presumably Lewis Carroll or Carroll’s lead might be the letter C or lead might be Pb but can’t see...
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Final one eludes me: 29d A group of subatomic particles distinguished by strangeness K?o?s...
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Last couple to get: 12Ac sexy novelist's written about kisser in bunkers (4,5). ??n? T?a?s Looks like Sand Traps which are bunkers but why the novelist and the kisser? If 12ac is correct then 4d is...
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25d What you need for an evening out. I?o?. Iron?Icon? Idol? Clue of the Week. Brad and Angelina originally in love N???...
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Last one to get. 26d. Prince to abandon antics and rows. R_n_s must be ranks because they are rows but where do the prince and the antics fit in?...

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