Stuck on last three. 10d Using the juxtaposition of opposites (12) a- - -t-e-i-u- 15a more accurate (5) - -v-r 33d permanent and absolute tenure (8) n-e-h-l- Many thanks
Stuck on the last few... 6a Experience difficult times 3,1,3,5 -i- a bad patch 53a Money paid per item completed (5,4) P- e - -, - - -e 55a Glittering with changing colours (10) -r- d - - - - -t 40d...
Help! Stuck on the last 4 17a Tail end of cooked fowl (7,4) p-r-o-s, -o-e 25a Member of monotheistic Asian sect (5) p-r-i 36d Giving off a smell (11) o-o-i- - - o-s 50a Die before (10) p- - - e-e-s-...
Needing some help with a few. 19a Long (military) walk (5,5) R-U-E, - - - C- 26a The 23; an _ for Richard 1 (7) - - I - H-T 53a Badly thought out (3-10) 0- -, - - - - - D- R - D 55a Islanders in the...
Getting stuck into the Jumbos from over Xmas. Stuck on 22d Spread over a wide area (8) _I_ _ _ I_D 30a Affection (8) _ _ O_S_S_ 36a (Of an accent) precisely enunciated (3,5) _O_ _S_S_ Thanks!
can any one help with these 50 Down television advertisement ???MO????? is it Promotions? 70 Down sophisticated ????? 73 Across Bridge over a valley ??a???? 80 Across Shaking ??E????N? is it...
Needing some help to get started. 63d Breed of dog (8,6) S-R- - - - - , BA- - E- 86d Dagger with a wavy blade (4) - - - S 66D DIY injury (7) - - i - - - - 23a Small bird (7) W- - - - - - Cheers.
Stuck on the last few. 5a Kirk officer (6) _E_ _ _ E 19a Hard on ones patience (6) _R_ _ _ G 55d Tale with supernatural characters (4) _Y_E Many thanks
Needing some help to kickstart this weeks please 53a Make (someone) less conceited (3,4,2,4) _ _T, _ _ _N, _O, _I_E put down to? 4d Book for church use (7) _ _I_T_ _ 48d Slimy secretion (5) M_ _ _ S...
Stuck on the last 2 from last week, before starting todays! 27d South-easters region of Scotland (8) -o-l-n-s 30a Caribbean Islands (4,6) -e-t, -n-i-s Help!