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Last one 21a) Difference in opinion D?S?I?T I originally had dispute, but now have rev'i'sion for 10d and bru't'al for 11d, thus giving the i and t....
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82a robert burns farm (9) e - l - - - - n - 87d sharp thorn (7) - r - c - - e 60d demolosh (buildings ) completely (4) - a - e 53 d large antelope (4) o - y - thanks...
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8a- disreputable person(11) 4d-sign of recognition(7) 36d- confuses(9) 87d- soup flavouring (3,4) 108a- productively(11) 102a- type of small nail (5) all help gratefully recieved, dont seem to be able...
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70d overtly,candidly 6l o?e?ey. 86d full of malice ???t?e?l. 90d achieves 7l ??a?r?s 89a moves stealthily 6l ??e??? many thanks...
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51 down - marketing ploy - ?O?S ?????R 19a - private - p???? Thanks for any help...
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81 across guitar like instrument (7)??u???e 83 across rude, insolent(11)?a????i?e?? many thanks...
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Anagram ,found fame on The X factor ( 4,5) YRCODELLH

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