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Imbroglio (10) Have got h?wdo????? Rosy fingered (4) ?aw? Hollywood Western (5) ??t?r Nigerian language group (3) k?a
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postscript (8) _ _ _ _ _ g _ e, not absolutley sure of the letters hypersensitive (8) a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stash (5) _ _ _ _ _ thanks for any replys
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37d publicity stunt ?i?m??? 57d most charming ???e?et 94d reason for a trim s???t?n?s 92d redeeming quality s???n? grace. 117a craze ?u?t 27d take retaliation ???n??
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bornfree lioness? if the answer is elsa . i have entangle for 79d
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can anyone help please 10 girl in a thousand 6 thanks
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3d C?I???N?E? Man's relation sees short German fighter entering ring . Thanks .
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That's enough drink,girl-bar's closingat some point (8) W?E?E?E? whenever? wherever? Help? Can't see full reasoning. Thanks.
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Nacnud Wod
14d Cover up tank with bad novel ---B----- 1d shame about husband being iaconic -I-O- 15a Time for showing grief they say ---ning 20a boy plus bird nearly act like lovers ----/AND/--O 16a Composer i...
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2 down the open venue m?????e?d 18 across advertising material sent by post l???s?o? 35 down very easy to use 5-5 ?di?t??o?f 105 down fastenss?r??s
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8d Wild animals - many, alas, caged (5) N-A-A although I wonder if I have 18a correct as MASTHEAD. Flag of large type the page carries (8) M-S-H--- Any help welcome.
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My last hope to finish this local quiz. I hope someone can help. All answers are TV programmes. 1 444444444 444444444 444444444 2 Speech bubble from X saying "Wow! Look at that! 3 Two speech bubbles...
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8a Contradiction(7) ?a?a?o? 26a Disregarded(7) ?g?o??? 2d Latin word meaning "let it stand" used in correcting proofs(4) ?t?t is it stat? Thx
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1. As ......... as a house 2. As .......... as an apple 3. As ........... as a rose No indication of number of letters given. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
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What is the most frightening book you have ever read?
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de professor
1. Two poets. 2. What you might get after a curry. 3.Anthony and Cleopatra 1 V 74. 4.Trailer trash in song. 5. Jane Austen goes to Bollywood 6.Fat man sings 7."Where" is the wolf? 8. Mating game Thank...
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what is the name and group of the female artist who shown her bush, on top of the pops.and what year.
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how does it stand when somebody wants to have a weeks holiday but falls on the week that person is due to sign on. are there any consessions
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These are film titles with a reference to time in the answer ie Second,year,day or a season T R Y starring V G. T E D starring S B
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Help please: Been kicking this one around all week since Sat Times Jumbo 830. Maths Function: C-T-G-E-T Someone unscramble me please.
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Can anyone please tell what benefits im entitlled to whilst being pregnant and out of work. i recently clamed job seekers but thats now ended and im looking for work without any luck. im 12weeks...

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