4a Sweet colourless substance occuring in plant sap and milk (5) -U-A- 29a Old testament prophet of 8th century BC (4) A-O- 45a Hebrew blessing said over bread and wine on holy days (7) K-D-U-H
12 across. Think the answer may be NOGUCHI but all web references I can find say he was a bacteriologist. No mention of any sculptors. 30 across. Of a classically built building that is...
5 Down. Class of semi-conductor that is manufactured by a process of doping to increase the negative charges. 1 and 4 letters. I have N - Y - E 36 down. ...
45 across Spanish enclave on Mediterranean coast of Morocco. I have M - L - L - A 11 down. The ..... ; movement of the 17th/18th centuries that advocated reason and...