more help please 50 down wasnt it just a kick to touch for irelands old pounding of stirling 4 letters---t thanks 57 down youd have to push the envelope these days to stick with old attachements... ...
need some help please ,12 down is this top prize in mathematics given only to parts of farms 6/5 letters 2 down common wild birds named for their distinctive action 8 letters.17 down head for... ...
need help please with 12,23,24,down improvise and continue immediately with the circumstances as a hurler may do with a bouncing sliotar 4/3/4/2/3/3/ letters,---e the ball on the hop... ...
12d23dand 24d improvise and continue immediately with the new circumstances as a hurler may do with a bouncing sliotar 4/3/4/2/3/3/ lettersand 1 down ones basic entitlements in society 5/6... ...
still stuck on 9 ac.nail biting pop singer that goes to pt 5/8 letters,-e-r-s-o-p-n- could it be jerry,terry henry someone ,cannot figure it out at all .thanks all
need help again please clue ,nail biting pop singer that goes to pot 5/8 letters -e-r- s-o---n-thanks 13 down sound from a tree 7 letters ---t-e- thanks again
need help please to finish. 16 down some book forger will give it everything 2/3/5/letters 8 down why does it always go wring ? one wry pal hums 7/3 letters thanks all
22 ac,and 17 down unravel a self-testament that gives the lie 5/9 letters, 12and 13 ac oh to be in the core of it ,and know whats what, 2/3/4 letters ,4 down and 27 ac tis still typically topical... ...
need help 12 down the odds are ,its not long after midnight 6/2/3/letters 2 down will he loiter around for an accommodating person 8 letters thanks all
please need help ,18 ac. an excursion to hollywoods walk of fame -like one thatd be out of this world 1,4,2,3,5, letters 9 ac. theory ,without initial examination ,as gap opens for a great... ...
need help to finish ,thank you 6 down out of the question youre welcome to answer 3/2/3 letters -o-a---l 10 ac. thus ,with her faithful farewell to the unfaithful ,the queen of hearts departs 5/3... ...