I know that there are a lot of you out there from the answers that you give. I am just curious as to what Tony Blair would have to do to lose your vote? Personally, I float between Lib Dem and...
I don't if I am in the right category for this but here goes anyway. July 15th is my wifes 40th birthday. I am looking for a different / exciting / romantic / possibly outrageous way to celebrate this...
Does anyone know any details about this? Location, time and intended speed? I need to make a trip to Bristol tomorrow and want to know how to plan the day? Thanks
Why do some white, British people feel the need to speak in a West Indian accent? Do they not realise how stupid it sounds? I am not being racist by asking this genuine question!
why not have a little chat room section were people can talk to people straight of and have a page saying something about themselves like on some websites if you are a member?
Again I have spotted runaway apostrophes arriving in plurals. Not just on this website, where opinions are FAR more important than grammatical accuracy anyway, but on TV, printed adverts and...
as a driver working for a small family run haulage company i applaud the farmers and hauliers who have started blockading the refineries protesting against the price of fuel .do most ab,rs think this...
Is now the time to accept people 'engaging in dialogue'.
It's obviously what so many would like, and it wouldn't detract from the main purposr of Q's and A's.
Dwarf Dwarf throwing is being considered as an Olympic sport; whilst in France the sport has been banned one French Dwarf has even taken his case to the human rights committee at the U.N, do you think...
Last week a very pretty girl was walking past my daughter's house, when she made a clearing noise in her throat, then spat on the pavement. My daughter & I were astounded & the girl...