I find it quite disturbing and sad that the second most important thing to people in their homes is the computer. I obviously like the computer and, as you know, spend too much time on it,...
we have wild garlic growing in a lane near by and were just wondering what it is in wild garlic that you use? flowers, leaves or if you dig it up is it the bulb underneath that you use?
I am a veggie who wants a charge from my usual lunchtime sarnies. I have seen all these different sliced 'meats' in the supermarket and wondered whether they taste as vile as they look? And how...
My grandmother in Spain has asked me to list her house for sale on the internet. Does anyone know of any sites where I can list the details and photos for free? Thanks
A friend of ours was a wartime wife and mom. She has told me wonderful stories, the most fascinating being her taking her kids to the park ALL DAY during the London blitz, purely so that they...
Is the one thing in life I absolutely hate. So I shove it all out of sight and then have to spend hours and hours doing it. When it is done I make a resolution to do it the same day as the...
Does anyone know if anyone makes replacement gazebo covers? I bought my gazebo about 2 years ago from Focus Do it all and they don't have a supplier for replacement covers.
So answer bank does not let you submit email addrsses on here, well lets have a profile that we can fill out voluntary with a pic/email/bits about us so we know a littl about each other, I am up for...