the word "Gay", from the French "gai", meaning joyful or bright and showy, was increasingly appropriated in the last century to mean a particular lifestyle...
So few weeks ago my daughter came back from her dads with spots, I thought it may be chicken pox, took her doctors they said it was virus, Next time she went to her dads, came back with spots again. I...
Saturday night 1973 on the town in Liverpool, the Wine Lodge then coppin off in the SHE club. Saturday night in 1983 on the lash with the lads, in town till midnight. Saturday night in 1993 the wife...
I haven't used the lift at work since 2008, I'm still unslim of course but would I be even more so had I not been climbing what must be thousands of stairs?...
Lucky kids will probably be getting toys and bits of kit worth worth hundreds of pounds. I got to thinking about what were my favourite toys. I'm not even sure if they were a Christmas gift. It was...
I have organised personal trainer sessions for her as a Christmas present because she has started the gym but finding motivation an issue.Will she appreciate the gift or take offence do you think?...
Adele called her first albums 19 & 21 because they are numbers that have special importance to her life
Her new album 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 is due out next month....
... when you have each other's contact details to post on here telling someone to check their emails/FB messages? Are you trying to incite a third party to ask about the content of such messages or is...