Clue is Sunday 11 November 2007 (9 letters) the category in my Quiz is, Cryptic, general knowledge or straight clues to songs by the ten most successful acts of all time judged by weeks in the singles...
PLEASE CAN YOUHELP WITH THE FOLLOWING. 15.Which organisation looks after British Lighthouses. 39.Who had a cat called Elvis. 55.What informal name is given to the red ensign flown by British Merchant...
I note many people are suggesting that number 89 is Armistice or Remembrance. I suggest sacrifice - Elton John song and for 97 I have Ben - Michael Jackson For 82 I have Indian - but clearly this is...
Section 5-no4 one word to connect all three Can anyone tell me who the photo's are please? no10,no11, no12, no22, no25, no30 thank you, Jill
1a) A special day between 4th february and 10th March 2a)Alcohol induced bravery (the answer to this one(2a) should have a connection with the words cinnamon, Havana, Struthiomimus, & Vienna if I have...
No`s 15, 21, 44, 47. Please help and you will stop the domestics ! Now I know why Smouse is always asking if the quiz has pictures in it. This is my first quiz with pictures (not very good )
Received my quiz today, bit confused. Numbers go up to 41, questions only go up to 40. Question 1 Camulodunum is the Roman name for which Town. No return address either.
Good evening folks - my first Wednesday off as I have cut my hours and I couldn't get onto the AB. Still loads more Wednesdays to go Would anyone be able to help me with the last few? I think that I...