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Who on earth are the women in the picture, one of whom is the required name?
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18 across (8) ?O?T?A?H Way to pay for course. 27 across (4)(4) ?E?? ?I?M. Held firm? 28 across (4)-(2) ??R? M?.
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Having trouble with the bottom right-hand corner. 21 across (4) Captured, as well, chess piece - that cannot be. 23 across (8) E?I????? Lives in area, making living. 25 across (6) ?H???? Protect as...
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Sorry, folks - haven`t done this for ages - posted yesterday`s grid without noting the answers which will link with Monday`s Herculis. Help, please.
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59 across (6) S?O?S?. Another name for the Nile tick.
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When are liverpool due to replay against Blackburn Rovers - or have they already done so ?
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9 down (14) ?I?A?P?E?E?D?D Objected about perhaps changing drug taken the wrong way.
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11 across (8) P?R?A?T? Botanical term for a calyx and corolla collectively.
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1 down (4) ?I?D Some musicians take course that`s not straightforward? Doesn`t sound like it. 5 down (8) ?I?D?O?? Way to claim territory perhaps, for a lark. 19 across (4) ??T? It`s used in leaving a...
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29 across (3)(6) ?O? S?N?A?. Time exactly one week after Easter.
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Fellow cruciverbalists seem to be in rather a tangle wth 8 down. The answer is "screen" whih links with "silk" in the linked solutions....
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5 down (8) S?A?S?I? Settles on king wearing fur. Answer looks like "sealskin" but does "seals in" really mean "settles on".? Looks a bit woolly to me....
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2 down (4) T??? Usually flat- bottomed small boat or barge.
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3 down (4) N?T? in the last resort, ultimately cleared of charges. Answer is presumably "NETT" but not very convincing somehow....
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30 down (7) H?G?I?S Astronomer noted for contributions to astromical spectography and the discovery of the red shift. 41 down (8) ?A?I?A?A Italian tomato sauce for pasta.
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27 across (8) ?E?P?R?G Overtake a golfer getting shot across top of pin....
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19 across (6) ?L?R?L Like animals or birds but not necessarily fish. 25 across (7) A?O?O?E A tiny covering so minute. it`s amazing. 26 across (4) S?T? Type choice of endings in this text.
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Answer to 16 down must be "Beta Rays" but it does not seem quite to fit with the clue "Around area, shows signs of radioactive emissions"....
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10 across(6) D?C??? Who, for example, returned fish to river. 22 across(6) ?T?E?T Watching sporting event, say, in court. 12 across (10) R?S?E?B??? Hamper social event that`s contested in court. 7...
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18 down (7) A?O?L?A Loss of willpower. Also answer to 25 across appears to be "VANDYKE". Clue is "Sir Anthony ?, Flemish painter" Should surely be "VAN DYCK" which would not fit with21 down....

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