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1 across. (10). ____T_H_N_. Yearning after net returns may be seductive. 9 across. (5). ____E. Fish behind second rock. 1 down. (4). Money`s not right for singer. 2 down. (7). ____S_T. Something or...
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Please ignore my question - I have just spotted somebody else`s answer which explains all!
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I have CALORIE and STONE from Saturday`s DT GK Xword and BATH and SMALL from today`s Herculis. How do these link up? I have linked GLIDE with PATH and ACID with RAIN - but it looks as if something has...
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10 across (7) __T___I. City in eastern Honshu, Japan. Hitachi? 7 down (4)(7) J___ B_L___M. Act or word expressive of the typical english character. 19 across (7) __C_T_R. Person who stir...
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7 down _ (6) O_T_R_. Yogurts carry evenly separated elements, causing complaint.
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15 across. (4). _O__. Tease groom. COMB? 19 across. (4). R_E_. Swim in river with slippery fish. REEL? 27 across. (6). _O___R. One in game, more cramped. 16 down. (8). __N_A___. Disraeli, perhaps, in...
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15 across. (4) ___R. ? man - 1972 song by david bowie. 16 down. (7) __A_T_C. In IT, term for the flow of data transmitted across the internet....
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3 down. (5) G_L_Y. Full of whirlpools. 16 down. (8) _N_R_N_T. Website that can only be accessed by clients of the host computer....
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19 across (8). ___H___T. Orbit-hip new bar. 21 across (5-3-5) ROUND THE __O__. Non-stop game of darts. 16 down (8). _____E_S. Mad people who worked at Bletchley Park. 20 down (7). Dessert - sounds...
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37 across - an extremely learned person or expert in their field (6) - _A_A T.
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The above composer wrote incidental music for the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. Is this part of a larger work and what (if any) CD is it available on?
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Please could anyone give me a rough idea of the value of a UK gold sovereign in mint uncirculated condition. Assuming the coin is of no interest to collectors as such, what does it weigh and what...
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23 across _G_Y (4). Unfair, making regular visits to Burghley. The answer is presumably UGLY but where does the reference to Burghley fit in?
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1 across (7) T___R_H Ruler of a small state or realm. 2 down (5) Tree or shrub of the aralia family. 27 down (3) F_M Legendary chinese bird sometimes called the phoenix.
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13 across (7) E___E_D Great brain _ mine familiarly enjoyed acquiring bit of erudition. 9 down (6) (8) _A___T _R_C_I_E Worked out great tactic per training session for the Gunners. 17 down (8)...
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5 down. (4) (4). Support for woody climbing plant. VINE PROP maybe?
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1D - L_R_. Master offering choice of old money (4).
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2D (6) B_S_E_. Dog in front of building, something well worth having. 4D (5) D_M_O. Round after silent film. 19D (6) _E_E__. Engineers former tax break. 20D (6) _N_L__. Sportsman in corner close to...
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Sorry, folks - done it again. Failed to note down the 4 solutions which will link with Monday`s Herculis before posting today`s completed grid. Can anyone oblige, please?
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3down(4) southern african plant of the iris family. I_I_.

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