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24a Revealed by Medusa to riddle of enlightenment (6) _ A _ O _ I Last clue - can anyone enlighten me please?...
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17a - An object or cosmetic used in making up, dressing, etc (8) T _ I _ E _ R _...
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23a ... with painter stopping doing baroque church decoration (7) G - A - I - O Is the answer loading or leading for 18d - both seem to fit the clue and the available "lights". Lead(ing)...
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Saga Crossword 18d. putting on weight possibly (L------) 25a. Detective all but eschewing the flesh (------) 16d. It's me calling in a Fury! (--s------)...
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7d Driven home, a bird's put out. (4) _ _ _ T 9a A flower is no good. (4) O _ _ _ (oder?)...
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23a St Peter in penitence phase (6) _ E _ H _ S If it's "cephas" what doe it mean - I can't find it in a dictionary!...
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Please can anyone help last one to do 19 across One is character-forming ?R?T?R Thanks in advance...
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I seem to be left with two clues that everyone else must have solved! 45a Suffering pins and needles in front of fire (7) A _ I _ G _ E (Perhaps one of the down clues are wrong - but all seem safe!)...
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21dn Butcher’s right to feed Miss England, originally (4-3) Stuck on this. Any help appreciated
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9d Winston clearly upset TV actor (6,7) _ O _ E _ T / _ A _ L _ L _ (Robert?)...
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8d One may carry a drop when greeting in Scotland (8) T _ U _ ? D _ C _
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25 ac turn aside,losing heart and failing . 1 word 6 letters ?e?e?t
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6a Political group,one going in for equal status (6) 16a Faces sanctions(12) 21a Strong drink,but I shan't be drunk(8) 26a Refuse to travel in this vehicle-cuts out during run( 8) Many thanks in...
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2d] Digger's residence in Kent, for instance. [5] S?A?E. 14d] Extremely old injury. [4] ?O?E....
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14d Extremely old injury (4) _ O _ E
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last two. 4d. english university-more of it. 4 letters e??e 27a. kissed, one said ''drink'' 6 letters n?c?a? thanks to anyone who can help...
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Hi just about done Royal Wedding £1000 X word but can't see any clue for 24 down 9 letters. Is it a goof on Express part ?
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10a Software that allows users to create and edit freely (4) _ I _ I
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40a _ I _ D _ _ E _ Riddles cracked in games (7). Surely this should be an anagram of " in games " = enigma; but it doesn't fit any of the "down"answers! Where am I going wrong...
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Name the Place: EXAMPLE: Ship's company = Crewe. 2. Lace Place (ER) -possibly Nottingham but what's the "ER"? 11. Knitting thread - possibly Yarm(Yarn?) or Arran; any better ideas please?...

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