hiyah i no its a wierd question lol =], but wen u av straightened your hair how to u get it to stay straight nd not flick out. nd i what sumones advice hu actuly knows lol cya xxx reply soon thankyouu
hii does anyone have any suggestions of what type of job shud i hav, i like fashion and drawing. if u want to be a fashion designer or an intierior designer what subjects shud i chose if school and...
ny parents split up about two years ago and my dad has a girlfriend and has had two babies with her and even though there my sisters i really didnt want my dad to have them. i wish my parents didnt...
hii one of my closest friends is being left out by her so called best friend, but since we started high school her best friend has been leavin her out and being mean to her and telling her new friends...
hi my best friend who i have none my whole life is getting taken away from me. she started hanging around with another girl and the other girl is leaving me out and taking ma friend off me. ive tryed...