Who are your least and most favourite?Least ... Delia ... (dull, dull, dull)Most ... Nigella ... (Team Nigella!)(with an honourable mention to The Hairy Bikers)...
18d) Setter in Herts town losing energy (6) ?I?I?G 24a) GP's daughter replaces 10 in country - is it Medico? (6) M???C? 25d) Beat grand National winner after leading pair fall (4) ??U? All help...
pinch and punch for the first of the month and no returns.
anyone got anything planned for april fool's day?
or have you even played a joke? and if so, what was the best one?...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2593217/Christian-preacher-wins-13-000-wrongful-arrest-telling-gay-couple-Bible-says-homosexuality-sin.html /// At 7pm the unnamed gay couple approached him and...
Hi, I'm new,first question. My eldest sons has got engaged to girl he's been living with for a couple of years. I am divorced from his dad and have been re married for a number of years. Sons fiancé...
completely bamboozled - 1 across (4-5) regardless of circumstances be too visible through window N?E?-BLIND; 6 down (6) probably trim cat as a rule for Christmas? D?C?A? and 13 down (9) making three...
Hi, does anyone out there own an LG WM14225FD direct drive washing machine, we have ours for about 5 years now, and it still stinks like something has died in there. I am not calling LG service, we...
In 2009 my husband was given a 2 year conditional discharge and was attending a program once a month but in 2010 the mags amended the order and the program requirement was removed. Can anyone say for...
I was charged 15% yesterday in a restaurant.
Today I overheard a lady refusing to pay a service charge
She said she preferred to make the tip to the individual
Where does she stand legally?...
I got an email offering priority booking for Kate Bush tickets and I did not get any
How stupid is that - have you seen what they are going for
Have a nice weekend - I won't ;-/...
A survey of 2,000 British adults was commissioned to mark the launch of the new TV series ‘Believe’. The poll asked respondents about their beliefs as well as superstitions that still hold sway in...
12ac Brazilian star coach joins staff I'm to show round Scottish golf club (6,7) c????? ??r???a carmen miranda? why? 22ac Rock 'n' roller that is involved in long goodbye with partners after tour's...
http://news.sky.com/story/1231467/tv-licence-dodgers-may-not-face-jail-threat Surely the simple answer is to abolish the licence fee (tv tax) and if we must fund the BBC fund it from general taxation?...
http://www.listchallenges.com/kaunismina-bbc-6-books-challenge?ref=share Be honest. Knowing the story or watching the film doesn't count. Unless you've actually read the whole of 'A Tale of Two...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/teacher-shows-sex-tape-featuring-herself-to-pupils-during-class-by-mistake-9179712.html OK, so mistakes happen but surely if you did that you would be...