I recorded last night's The Bill,butthe recording cut of just towards the end as Sgt June Ackland had her farewell party. I saw Jim Carver looking through the window of a door...and that was it. Did...
I just wondered what, if any, religious leanings these teams have. Not that it matters but its just that I have read conflicting statements about Liverpool being the so called catholic club and...
There used to be a singing Monk around this time. We saw him at Preston and he played a guitar also I think. He was dressed as a monk. We cannot remember his name nor any of his songs.
In my place of work we have cctv, today the police asked if they could have a look to see if a customer they were looking for was in today, we let them i to have alook throught the tapes that were...
Hopefully you all can settle a heated debate i've had with a friend. He says that in Britian the majority of people consume organic beef, not out of choice, but because, for most people it is cheaper...
My mare is clingy. She frets when I am out of her stable and is naughty when others bring her in or put her out. What can I do to make her feel more secure? It is rather sweet but not very good for...
Have just made the hardest decision of my life, or what feels like it. Tonight i have phoned up, and started the process of rehoming my dog. I have luckily found a lovely women who lives a few roads...
Following on from the thread a couple of weeks ago on AB, common sense has prevailed through the Courts in Liverpool. A number of dog owners rightly challenged the police policy and with legal...
Can anyone help me please? We were chatting in work today and an advert where a girl bumps into her ex and the jingle goes "He's seen you naked, he's bought you sexy underwear..." came up but none of...
My dog has his food and his tipbits but never chocolate, but he loves cheese. He can smell it a mile away. He straight to the kitchen for a piece when ever I get it out. He can't get enough. What I...
I was recentley involved in an accident where I skidded into the back of the car in front. When we'd pulled over the other driver admitted It was his fault and he shouldn't have breaked for 'something...
Are the Cameras that they put behind unmarked police cars on tripods speed cameras or do they look at number plates and check tax? The camera unit is about the side of a 1 litre paint can on a tripod....
My car was involved in accident last year and the car was written off as a salvaged catergory C. My car tax is due for renewel at the end of february 2007 will i automatically be sent a V11 form or do...
Following on from a couple of my other questions :- http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Motoring/Questi on277158.html http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Motoring/Questi on269294.html I was told the...
Someone drove into the back of my car, ive spoken to my insurance company they said they will sort the car out for me. My back is still hurting from the crash can i claim compensation for this?