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Can anyone help with long life batteries for the above camera. It is OK during the day, but when using the camera in the dark e.g. at concerts the batteries only last about 2 pictures and then die....
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with my christmas money, which is the best phone to get and network, I have been looking at the D900. Thoughts/comments appreciated CLaire
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Is last nights episode repeated anywhere, video didn't record last 1/2 hour!
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On holiday at beginning of October on the Costa del Sol we spotted in the sea on the horizon tripod type platforms, bit like eiffel tower, which stayed still for a day and then moved. What could they...
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Can anyone explain when you fly and stewardess closes aircraft doors, they place a diagnonal strip of fabric across the door window?
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Which band did Billie sing with in 1933?
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Which was the first satellite to orbit the earth What is the popular name for the constellation Hydrus When was the first join Russian-American space mission
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"Home is where your heart is" "He who opens a school door, closes a prison" "Among mortals, second thougths are wisest" "Man is his own worst enemy"
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Which City is Canada's gateway to the pactific In which country was the first skeleton of a Neanderthal found in 1856? In which country were the first operas performed?
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Anyone out there who can help with this. stuck on nos 36,4251,82,84,88,91,92,93,103,106,135,143. Closing date is soon!
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Does anyone use this. Is the work easy, what is the pay like. I am a medical secretary looking for extra money
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Please can anyone help with this? Also is there a website showing a collection of authors pictures, where you can click on the picture and it tells you the author?
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All names of flowers including wild flowers Closing date is 30/08/06. Need help with 1.Gamble on these 2. Cooker, look 3. Language light 4. Second space 5.Otherwise, child 6. City conceit 7. Hundred...
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Who played the couple Viv and Andy who opened the pub in last nights episode. Viv was having an affair with the architect
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Help ? Anyone doing this quiz and willing to swop/help with answers.
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Gamble on these Cooker, look Free war Language light David's son's mammal proper, not me, the French Flatter container Illness carrier plus hesitate, fast waterhole Second space
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Which Holy Sacrament was formerly called "extreme unction" Where is the UK's oldest institute of higher education?
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Over whom was Saladin victorious in 1187?
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Which province has the shortest coastline? Whic place nam means "Giant Tortoise" What is the former name of Hawaii?
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In 1002, what did Emperor Otto II Die of?

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