Morning all from a wet and windy Portsmouth!! Stuck on one clue today, 26 down, 8 letters, ???n?b?r. Bright red mineral form of mercuric sulphide. many thanks SJ
This is one I thought I had sent in earlier but it must have got lost in cyberspace! A person or thing with the same nane as another (8) n-m--a-e Are you still there Lie-in-King?
Finding this one a tad tricky in parts. 5ac Held our tongue, having matured (7) I have ??N?G?I 8dn Expert medical practitioner in retreat(5) I've got IAMBI but not sure of it's right 9dn Fluid and...
5d Farcical NHS drama, meant as a comedy?(4,3,3,3) **M* and *** M*N Something and the man? 4a Argues with husband and son about a weapon(3,5) *A* ****S
Got stuck in right-hand top corner. 7d) Bogeyman (7)??L?N?? 16a) It's to do with cathederal dignity coming from French waterway (7) s???N?? 19a) Be careful, hunter has sex appeal(5,2) w???H?T - is it...