I joined this site originally because I like quizzes and then tried to join in the chat as I'm stuck at home all day. I have found it very clicky (yes I know that it is spelt wrong to the spelling...
I am currently selling my flat as I can no longer afford to keep it. I have a buyer but there is a problem with damp which may take a couple of months to sort out. The buyers are willing to wait but I...
Does anyone know of any websites that sell books cheaply. I have googled and found the Book People but looking for one that sells more paperbacks. I am stuck indoors with leg in plaster for next 6...
I have set my wireless router up as per the instructions. My laptop tells me it is connected and connection is excellent but as soon as I unplug the ethernet cable from my laptop I am disconnected...
I used to be able to restore my pc to any date I wanted but this has now changed - I don't know why. I can only restore to the last couple of months when my pc has been updated. This means I have lost...