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And a bright good morning to everyone, particularly all those who successfully survived the coach trip to (S)'s place last night, especially he and his Mum, when they all landed on his doorstep !!!...
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I shall make this short and sweet or "someone" will post at the same time and there will be a little confusion !!! on this site - never !!!! The challenge is as always to match Kate's choices over the...
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Finished the Herculis, finished the cryptic; stuck on this one. Hill station (5) s-m-a
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Good morning to all, and I'm pleased to report a lovely bright sunny day in my part of the world, though the chill factor is somewhere down round my ankles !!! ah well, it's winter so what can one...
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Expert on moving house? (10) a-t-o-o-e- The answer would appear to be 'astronomer' or 'astrologer' Any idea which, and why?
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The kind of book that may be read upside-down? (3,4) a-- -a-a
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Get rid of grass in the pavilion (4,3) It would appear the answer is Turf out, which is a bit better than Turn out, but can someone confirm this, and explain what the 'pavilion' has got to do with it?
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Party includes Liberal creep (5) -I-L- Nervous about Tory leader being bland (7) -E-T-A-
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Yes, this is the final weekend to make that big push for the top of the heap for this month !!! Oh dear, I've thought all along this makes the months go faster, and now I'm sure - is this a good thing...
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They are at home in Oxford (4,6) The answer, which I've put in, appears to be : lost causes Can anyone confirm and explain why?
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It makes perfect doctors (8) -r-v-i-e
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Week 4 already !!! Time went by fast enough, now it's reached warp speed, each weekend arrives long before I've recovered from the last. This weekend is arriving sooner than usual, and I shan't be...
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Are we spelling this CHAMBRAY or CHAMBRAI?
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coarse seaweed . t - - g
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Another week has flown past and the weekend is already here - time to break out the grey cells and try to match it with Kate. In a short while one of the early risers will [ hopefully ] post the link...
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A little on the early side I know, however - Good morning one and all and welcome to a new month and a new KM Links Game. Our modest King Aquagility has warned us he is going AWOL, walkabout, and...
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Can someone please explain the answer to a clue? Having succeeded, be biased against women (6) Answer - SEXIST. Apart from the obvious, do not understand the relevance of the first part of the clue....
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Here we are, at the business end of yet another month and this is where crunch time occurs !!! Will the reigning king continue in that position or will another sweep him aside in a blaze of glory and...
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It's dull beside the seaside, we hear (7) ?i?e?a?
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Can anyone explain exactly what Robert Service meant in the line: Never a track in the white ice-pack that humped and heaved and flawed, (For what it's worth my guess is something like 'tottered')

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