The final weekend of competition for April rolls around and at this stage there are two ABers neck and neck, on 8 points, in the lead. Aquagility & paulineward both have a handy lead over cliffyg &...
Here she comes - on tip toe in her size 10 wellies [ I wish !!] trying not to wake the dreamers after their all night revelling. Be surprised if too many of you haul yourselves out after last night's...
Could someone please explain why these 3 consecutive across clues have dots, implying they may in some way be connected 22 Impulsive right remains... (4) = R ASH 25 that is offensive... (6)...
It would appear that the party has well and truly started for the weekend, over on crofter's link - think there may be some sore heads tomorrow and a few sorry tales to tell. Maybe the shrubbery will...
I've read that Napoleon said: I thank whatever Gods there may be for my unconquerable spirit. Can anyone confirm this? Also, although I can roughly translate this as: Je remercie n'importe quels Dieux...
Could you explain how LAYLOW fits Kept quiet in retreat? I thought Hadlow was a winner. If Lay = kept and Low = quiet, where exactly does 'retreat' fit in. All I can find for Laylow as one word is a...
I have read that Napoleon Bonaparte said: I thank whatever God there may be for my unconquerable spirit. Can anyone confirm this? Also, although I would translate this into something like: Je remercie...
The answer would seem to be 'domination' as it fits perfectly and defines part of the clue: Present compiler's back in control. But could someone explain the 'present compiler' bit please?
I think there's a mistake in today's puzzle. Surely the answer to 20a should be STYE but there are only 3 spaces, so I've put STY. Maybe the clue should have been "place where a pig lives"! I can't...
Another weekend has rolled around and soon we must attempt to match wits with Kate Mepham and predict the four Link words for the final time this month. As we have done before, one of our early...
Another week has gone by and it's time again to match wits with Kate Mepham of the Daily Telegraph. Can you predict the four Link Words successfully ?? The four words will be entered below by the...
have 27a) answer as clogdance (since the clue says 9 letters) my dictionaries only give 2 words Clog Dance does Chambers or another give a spelling of one word?