Good morning everyone - are any of you still snow-bound or is life coming back to normal ?? One of these days I might be brave enough to see what the long range weather forecast says for the remainder...
Good morning everyone - This is going to be short, sharp and shiny this morning as I seem to be running a little late and my my mind isn't working particularly brilliantly. I've just been trying to...
Good morning all - has AB been taken over or is there another perfectly reasonable explanation for the flag of Texas having replaced the lovely snow scene top left hand of the page ??? Just one of the...
Good morning everyone !! Would you believe I'm stuck inside for completely the opposite reason to the one keeping most of you likewise - we're in the middle of the third heatwave [ 40 +] in less than...
Good morning everyone and a Happy Hew Year to all. I've finally worked out that it's Saturday and we have a new year, a new month and a new contest ready to go. There will be NO discussion as to...
Good morning and Happy Boxing Day to all - trust we're all good to go this morning or are a few of the tribe feeling a little fragile ??? particularly around the little grey cells ??? No excuse, out...
Good morning everyone - ready for another assault on the link words today ?? Well, I don't like our chances of the bonanza of points scored last week, given the words Kate has provided for us, unless...
Good morning everyone and welcome to the first week of the new contest, which in between everything else we'll try to pack into this busy month, we'll somehow try and remember to do each Saturday...
Good morning everyone - you'll be happy to hear [!] that down-under's weather has now matched yours. The heat has gone and we have strong winds and horizontal rain so I have no idea who's in charge of...
Good morning everyone - having heard the reports of half the UK being under water I wonder just how many of us there will be on deck today. Crofter had his timing right, ticking off to Tennerife...
Good morning from a very hot down-under - we've had a week of over 35d each day and tomorrow predicts 40d just for a change !! Pity I can't parcel it up and send it over to the UK and perhaps get some...
Good morning everyone from a very sunny little spot that will, I'm told, be totally over the top, heat wise, next week !!! Predicting a week of 37d temperature - does anyone want to swap countries ???...
just need 2 so any help appreciated 14 in which fim was the word 'bloody' first heard 32 mark bannister was the last man to do what i know i have asked these before but there might be some different...
Good morning everyone, from a very warm down-under. We're getting a short sharp reminder of what is waiting just over the horizon and as per normal, I'm already clearing out the freezer, in...