This is nothing to do with quizzes, but experience tells me I get answers quicker here. What age must a child be in England before he doesn't need a special seat in the front passenger seat of a...
Had a wee toes-up in the Shrubbery after everyone else turned in for the night and then thought - well, while I'm here, I'll pop this in and then go and do something constructive for the rest of the...
And are we all present and correct, for the start of a new game and a new month as well !!! I'm not too sure about the mob in the Shrubbery, they may all be snowed in and totally inebriated to boot -...
Here we are, bright and early again this morning - ready for whatever gets thrown at us - look out, incoming haggis - duck !!! Actually, a strange thought just went through my mind - that may well be...
Good morning all - I do hope no-one was washed away over night - what a pity we can't manage to channel some down my way, it would be very welcome. Sounds like the usual suspects were busy in 'the...
Here I am, all bright and early, and organized for a change and I fear we won't see much action until - say about lunchtime, given the revelry in that Shrubbery last night. I've read most of it and...
I know, what sort of time do I call this !!! Dreadfully sloppy, to start the New Year in such a fashion - but will post this quickly, and then fill in with more details
Good morning everyone and how are we all, after all the fun and games of last weekend and subsequent Christmas festivities - I do hope Santa brought you all the things you were wishing for. I also...
Not long to go now - I hope everyone is all wrapped/shopped/prepared for Tuesday - well I'm not, but luckily not much more to do and we've had a cool change and some very welcome rain, so that makes...
2 Left in todays DTel: Cheeks may colour if they're dropped! (8) ?L???E?S Quarrel seen in bar (4) ???T Thought maybe DART for the second??? Any offers appreciated, thanks, Jerry
Welcome to the start of a brand new month and a brand new competition - Queen Liz will be wearing the crown for the month of December, after a very close finish last weekend, while all the rest will...