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Desperate for help on----- 16a helping to put dash of rum in drink -o-t--- 24a Fox initially trapped in reservoir -t--- 14d Love to search for cell structure ---e-c--- Rescue me please!
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Wordfinder!Am truly stuck,have so many letter combinations and still cannot find the answer!letters are aaeeicctpprk.Any help out there PLEASE?
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a) Truth searchers advancement b)Large crowd causes this c)Literary lunch utensil Many thanks to all who may respond!
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I hear this show may damage or harm you.(4)
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Please Quizzers help me with this! 5 in the grid R_t_e,Roman name for Leicester?
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Brian Walden's Sunday political programme.To date I have Walden's World,or Week in Westminster.Any help out there please? many thanks in advance
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Think WW,answers are not always 2 words: Q:He went from cycles to much higher things. Whittle comes to mind but I can only find Frank! I need another answer with a W in it!Many thanks to those of you...
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Broken,Yankee teen ........, Please help am really stuck on this one! Many thanks in advance, Cleverold
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Where have I gone wrong with 2d?
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really,really stuck on this, ?a?a?l? Any help there please???
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Having trouble with: 22a think it should be moorings but cannot solve why! 19d unanswerable with grid of -i-t- 20d ditto -g -a- Any help there please?
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Desperate for help..have not listened to The Archers for "x" number of years and am therefore stumped!My grid : _ y _ d _ ,s _ _ _ l ! Can anyone out there help??
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does one have to be penalised by competition deadlines?Crosswords are fairly easy to cope with,put on a first class stamp etc(expensive but necessary).Midday deadlines for a Sudoko are...

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