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Digital problem may be what decides sprint result ?T?E?T?S /?O?T Ta!...
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Each fine company in the red is ratified again... R?A?F?R?E? Can't see when I've got so many letters why I can't see this but neither can '' so mebbe I am not terminally...
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Confront American in French port: B?E??? I'm thinking BRESTE - but can't justify it Guarantee king will follow: E???E I'm thinking I've run out of enthusiasm for this crossword just TELL ME THE ANSWER...
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A horrible job and don't like who's doing it! ? / ????? / ??? / ?? / ?O?K Party with seven in it perhaps, not computerised ?????? / ????N???E...
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Depression within borders of British Isles hits: B???S Stand behind insect - it's scary: B???E?? Motorway hotel rebuilt around new scented compound: M???H?? Thanks!...
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Captivate then fancy really only now and then (7) A chimney in Glasgow holds British record A???? It's glaringly obvious I left angry Taliban tense ??????T Thanks...
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Blimey! Clothes fit jailer: C?P??? Deliveries finished: ??E? Coach tried eliminating drug and foul play: ?I?T Thank you very many...
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basket making material. ---e-
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Afternoon All Need to get Wednesday's finished off so I can start today's! Order duck for SAS Man: ??M????? Proper procedure giving tart to officer: ??O????? Pleasant, dull fight ruined when stopped...
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Article supports law-breaking in region of Ukraine ?D?M?A thank you very many...
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55 Down - Court announcer (5) CrIer or CrYer ?
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Good Morning A-B's Put clothes on. feeling low, having lost old record ????S?D...
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Just a couple Snake-fancier Maureen goes on trips ??N???S? Cleaner and engineer opposed war S?A? / ??W?E? Thanks...
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Just one left UN help is penny-pinching wiht some wages due I have U+A+I+ and can't find any sensible words in the wordfinder though it is possible that I have the A wrong (ABRAID for Allow...
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Second article's neat perhaps but outdated (4/5) M+D+ / E+T++...
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Hi all, stuck on last one: 21d Rubbish dump that is just the thing for mucky kid(2) m-d -i- So I'm thinking mud tip? (don't know why though, and google brings up a very rude definition!)...
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A good Irish attache suspect in one of her books? +G++++ / ++++++++ Spent Wednesday morning stripped like Lady Jane Grey? (4-4,6) Now I am thinking NINE-DAYS-WONDER but can't quite see why Cheers...
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Afternoon All Just two to go: Men on board arrange things to support king: K+I+++S Avoid old Germans close to front: +++N (The 5th letter of the long clue is the 2nd of the short one) Thanks...
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Need a few to get this one finished ... 10A Cryptic setter entertains university board member: ++U+T++ 19A Caught in error with a little comical twinkle: ++I++++++++ 5D Being shy a third went off in...
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Finished but why is Quick Powerless Attack = RAID?? I guess I don't see the 'Powerless' element?

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