To the kind gentleman who believes I am called Crosstw*t77, I have the following to say - Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you. Tabun, lytta, antre, solos, gutta, solde,...
Many thanks to Cruciverbalist, Cluelessjoe and others for all their hints over the last year. I managed to be all correct for the year - hooray! Without your help, I would be at least 8 down. Keep on...
Final appeal for help over the last few obstacles. Q50 Still no idea on the sun book jacket illustration. Q1 think one is Yo Blair, can't decide on or find the second Q4 not too sure of either, help... s_and_entertainment/books/article3082559.ece At the bottom of this link to The Times/Waterstone's Christmas Book Quiz is a picture composite of 6 book...
31 across - in islam, donating land, money etc. for charitable purposes? could this be waqf? 33 across -in america the player of a jazz guitar? 5 down - in hinduism, spiritual knowledge? 10 down -...