Hi Folks,Hope everyone is having a fab weekend!Has anyone got any ideas for a new game (electronic/electrical based) that my boyfriend can make for our school f?te this year ? it's not till July but...
Hi Folks,Hope everyone is having a fab weekend!Has anyone got any ideas for a new game (electronic/electrical based) that my boyfriend can make for our school f?te this year ? it's not till July but...
Hi folks, i've just dyed (with food dye) some cotton wool. Need it to dry a bit more quickly but don't have a washing line. I'm toying with the idea of putting the wet cotton wool in an old pillow...
Hi Folks, Where on the internet can I find a video clip of an old fashioned tram moving a modern tram moving an old fashioned train moving (1900's?) a modern train moving Many thanks for your help in...
Hi Folks I'm prescribed acyclovir tablets for when I get an outbreak of coldsores. I have heard that if you have a special event coming up you can take them before to prevent getting one. Is this true...
Please does anyone know a poem called "Polar Bears"? It's for younger children ie KS1 (infants) and I'm needing to find a copy of it ASAP. Does anyone know where it is on the net or can anyone please...
Hi Folks, Where might I find a video clip of a reconstruction of someone milking a cow in the 1900's (or a clip that depicts the methods used then) and a video clip of modern day milking of cows? All...
Hi FolksCan anyone tell me how to install the "drivers" for my memory stick(some people call them pen drives)? [I know Windows XP doesn't need this kind of faffing about as it recognises it...
Everytime I see Paris Hilton on TV I wonder what her shoe size is? I've just found out on Internet that it's size 11 (American). What's this in English shoe size? Cheers C
Hi Folks!Can anyone tell me if you were to live in Dunstable and you got a letter from the Local Council what would the logo on the top of the letter look like? Similarly I need to know what the logo...
Hi FolksIn Heat magazine (3rd December), on the Letters page is an apology titled 'Alex Kingston', about a feature they wrote in 5th November edition. In that Novemeber edition Heat printed a picture...
Hi Folks!We're having a spot of trouble. When we click on the Behaviours button (using Shift & F4) or select Window, then Behaviours, it "opens" but goes below the edge of the screen. All the...
Previous to the gantry signs going up we only had the square black illuminated signs on the central reservations to tell us to reduce our speed (e.g. to 40 mph) but REGULARLY I would notice that...
Hi Folks, I'm wondering if anyone can help. I need to calculate some ages, in years and months, from a long list of birth dates. I am sure there must be a simple (& quick!) way to do this using an...
Hello,Has anyone got the Level Descriptors for Reading Writing and Mathematics for Key Stage One? I am needing the descriptions for each sub level eg 1a. 1b and 1c?Can anyone help? We've looked on the...