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Help with 41 please - Maybe 42’s seal ........
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Cannot solve this one: 31. Racehorse stumbles, he is off to Irish town (7) ?OSS?EA I thought it was anagram of Racehorse minus he. Thanks....
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An unclued one. Ihave for 1 across : prae?om?na with Latin answer. No reasonable themed answer. Where am I astray ? Help please....
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33d Islands small business covering central India (5). Ihave i?i?? Help here needed to move to a conclusion.
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Spectator 2475 the poem is very. Long - I cannot find the words . Help to locator the unknowns needed.are the ?...
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Spectator 2472 help please with 7d. Such languages having nothing to do with ear. I have??l?.t?? (7) that's not looking very promising. .i played with chlangs....
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The spectator crossword 2465. Unclued 18d - ?u?L?T is my last entry to complete the puzzle and I am having to guess that the six word answer is butcher related. Am I getting a chamberism?
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28D "Bloke reduced woman as Heep did" (6). I have O?L?L?O and guess I have gone astray. Also 25D remains unsolved I have ?AC?N? . I give my thanks for hints here because I have yet to discover how to...
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14d I have norstown as an answer but cannot parse it . AmI seriously astray?
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Senior statesmen j
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I am musically inert and the unclued" men of note" are proving very elusive....1across came by chance Are they all surnames of musicians? I have just two or three of the nine....
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1 Down (unclued) defeats me (as does 1A at the moment). I have ?O?L?. Any help please? Logan or Goole (in Scotland ?) suggests itself...

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