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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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Why do some people put their child in the road while they are safe on the pavement. If it is to get people to stop and let them cross the road, it doesn't work for me. I just drive round the child and...
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Anyone going to see it take off?
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darth vader
Weekdays peak TV - 7pm Emmerdale. 7.30pm Coronation Street. 8pm The Bill. Intermittently mixed in with fly-on-the-walls. Has ITV run out of ideas? Or is the UK happy to have dumbed-down TV and am i a...
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The Rut
which TV Entertainers do you suspect of being Immortal ie like Des O`Conner & Max Bygraves.
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When and why did English speakers start to prefix their utterings with these words ? I have noticed it for a long time with the spoken word and the usage now appears to be common in writing as I have...
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Why do my cats stick out their tongues, just a little bit. The only pattern seems to be contentment. Also, if you scratch on a cats spine, they have the urge to lick. You have to get the right spot...
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I am curious that both sunrise and sunset over the last few days have been particularly impressive due to the intense 'redness'. Is this unusual, or my lack of attention in the past? Anders, Coggles...
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what is prince williams email address
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whats the best way to get rid of unwanted jehovas witness's from your doorstep ? politely.
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Jenny Tools
Does anybody know the term for a person that collects beer bottles, apart from 'sad git'
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darth vader
My anger was ressurrected by Incitatus's comments on the above progam as i too thought it was a pile of pants. Anyone else feel let down by it? personally i thought that they spent too much time...
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I am a student and have a lot of reading to do for my course, and sometimes I get stressed while reading because I get worried that I'll never be able to remember everything I need to know, and then...
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Ok. Now come on, anyone seen this ad? The girl who splits with her boyfriend on a 'Jerry Springer' style programme cos his glasses are ugly.... Am I the only one but her glassses are worse!???
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Ok, I've tried to stay quiet about this hoping it would just go away but it didnt! Those sleeping people with their limbs flailing about look just plain Demonic!!! That baby isnt cute - it's scary! Oh...
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Nearly everyone knows that Holmes never said 'Elementary, my dear Watson' or the Bogey never uttered 'Play it again Sam'...but i just learned that Michael Caine has not once said 'Not a lot of people...
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In some old paper's of my Grandad [he'd be in his 100's if still with us] one shows his trade as a 'Printer's Devil' Come QM what did that entail, would it refer to any form of printers or was it...
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FTVS has pointed out that Christmas decorations have already appeared in the shops. I saw some today (October 14th) in Marks & Spencers. Unbebloodylievable. Where was the first Xmas display of the...
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What did this fellow do, to earn a saint hood and a crappy tacky commerical day where there is a pressure on couples to act all sick and single people feel low as a snakes belly!
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Is it possible to get the OST of Weird Science anywhere?

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