bit morose tonight so a suitable post and my answer is forthcoming. What is the most emotionally distressing thing youve ever had to do that didnt directly involve close family or friends.???? Allow...
I underwent a session of acupuncture for my lower back problem. I have three more sessions booked but after this first one I can feel no improvement, . What success stories have you of acupuncture????
Are there any amateur dramatics fans out there???? apart from me that is.... If there are whats been your favourite roles. To kick start mine have been 'Toad' and 'Sweeny Todd'
...........a lot less ,my local pub is about to raise the beer prices by a further 5p thanks to Alistair Sweetheat. Two weeks ago the prices went up by 10 p a pint because the the breweries upt their...
Ive been on CB for the last 5 months or so. Most of what I post is , hopefully for me to get back some sort of informative response. Unfortunately CB contributors seem far more interested in picking...
Mine is Colombo as soon as he has got his culprit he hums/whistles Nick Nack Paddywack . Peter Falk , you and Patrick Mcoughan are without doubt the very best team