in English for the german word SCHADENFREUD Meaning 'Malicious joy in the misfortunes of others' Our TV is full of it Big Brother, Im A Celebrity. get me out of here, Relocation Relocation, Many many...
tionary the word SCHADENFREUDE means "A feeling of pleasure caused by others unhappiness or misfortune, malicious delight German...Schade=harm and Freude=joy We really experience this with every...
When you want talk to your God, do you go to a special building at a specfic day and time or do you just pull into a layby, onto a dirt track or somesuch, turn off the radio and have a chat with...
Prize for the Stating the Bleeeedin Obvious award tonight goes to....... One of the local radio stations announced a big increase in physical and verbal abuse to the nursing staff at the main city...
Anyone else noticed how almost every mugshot picture of a suspected terrorist seems to to taken by a 3ft tall photographer, All the terrorists (alleged ha,ha) seem to be looking down their...
A saying for doing it again.... 'Theres never time to do the job but theres always time to do it again' when youve got it wrong in the first place by hurrying. How about one to sum up the lack of...
Its been 8 months now since the smoking ban hit our pubs.My local pub put up a canvass tent affair ?99.99 from Argos I wouldnt wonder. Had to take it down due to neighbours complaining of its...
My dog is nearly 18 years old. Anybody watched Heartbeat ten years ago<Claude Greengrass's dog Alfred is a spitting image.He wont be around for too many more years I dont know what Ill do when the...
to fit any circumstance.For example If thats what you want to do, translates as "what ever it takes to trip your trigger" A fit and gorgeous girl translates as "shes got the kind of thighs to strip...
If you had your time over is there anything you would change? For me I would go all the way back to being a young school kid but this time I would pass my 11 plus examination, go to grammer school and...
Is tomato with mustard and pepper mayonaise on top of king prawns on a base of avocado halves with a side order of whole wheat bread and real butter and a glass or three of pinot grigio not a bad way...