Which person in the world would answer to any of these names - Pere Noel (France), Julinesse (Denmark), Der Weihnachtsmann (Germany), La Befana (Italy), Babouschka (Russia) and Papai Noel (Brazil)?
Help! Can anyone help me? My home page keeps getting hi-jacked by Globe-Finder every time I go an-line. I have used programs like Adaware but it still comes back. Arrrrggggggh, how do I get rid of...
This is a completely rubbish question, but is it possible to keep a head alive when it's not on the body, if you hooked it up to the right things? Don't worry I'm not some crazy Professor...
I have this problem with AOL. Sometimes it doesn't pick up my email. I've tested it and sent email to my AOL address and I get a delivery report back saying it has been delivered, but when I check...
Does anyone remember a spearmint chewy sweet from the 80's which was green and white striped and looked like a opal fruit/starburst. They came in big bags as well. Does anyone remember the name and...