I have an 'Old Times' website with background music. When I upgraded Windows Media Player from version 9 to 11 it did not produce the sound so I had to uninstall and roll back to the previous version...
Once more, starting now in January 2008, we are going to hear a lot about the USA election process, as between democrats and republicans. It seems that democracy and republicanism must be two...
I know some people agree with the death penalty and others don't, but the American way of keeping criminals on 'death row', sometimes for very many years, seems like gruesome mental torture. Life...
I have an electric lawn mower and a household vacuum cleaner that I would like to advertise for sale. They seem to me to be in good condition and it would be a pity to dump them. Where would I stand...
There's a lot on AB about the 12 days of Christmas - when they begin and end and so on - but does anyone know the background, as to how the twelve days idea actually started?
I've read that the newly refurbished St Pancras Station has a new roof fitted with 18,000 panes of self-cleaning glass. Does anyone understand this and how it self-cleans? Would it be practicable in...
I'm puzzled about Netherlands. What actually is or are the Netherlandsand why so-called? It's easy enough to look at a map and see the area, but that's what I always thought was Holland. Why the...
We hear a lot about Omega 3 (and other numbers) in food and drink. I was brought up in the days of Vitamins. 'Omegas' are relatively recent as far as I am concerned. Can someone please explain in...
I understand that vitamin B12 is essential for the body's production of healthy blood cells. The human body does not produce its own B12 and has to rely on meat, eggs and dairy produce. Vegetarians...
We hear a lot about recycling these days, but how do I dispose of a surplus item of furniture - a good cupboard/ cocktail cabinet about 5' 6" high? Two furniture charities say nobody wants that sort...
I have Economy 7 electricity programmed to heat up a tank of water overnight. There is also an over-ride switch for heating at other times. Usually the water cools down by late afternoon or evening...
I've just updated a website. Internet Explorer displays the updated version, but Firefox still displays the previous version. I uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled it, but it still displays the...
I have recently started using Firefox in addition to Internet Explorer that I've used for years. I have a website on line that behaves normally when viewed with IE but, viewed with Firefox, some (but...
I've tried to get a Yahoo email account working properly and followed the instructions to set up and use in conjunction with Outlook Express. Most of the set-up appears OK but there's one thing...
The hymn 'I Vow to thee my country' is to feature at the commemorative service for the late Princess of Wales. I find the opening lines difficult to interpret; "I vow to thee, my country, all earthly...
I've just submitted a problem about opening Firefox, but felt this point might be worth a second question. Any attempt to download Firefox (and also other activities) seems to be 'taken over' by...
I recently started using Mozilla Firefox and was getting along fine with it until something went wrong. When I tried to open Firefox it played tricks with my computer screen, jumping from a full...
I have a website and often use gif. and jpg. images, but I'm puzzled by the different sizes (expressed as KBs) shown for the same icon image. For example a gif image may be shown as "Size 4.37KB and...
I've just started using Firefox browser and am quite impressed but still have much to discover. Can someone please explain the four Adblock options and the differences between them - Adblock image...