Four problems, I am new to BTinternet. How do I insert a photo into an email, rather than as an attachment ? And how can I make up a Spam file so spam doesn't keep going in my inbox ? Also when I open...
will people be voting for their local candidate, then whichever party gains enough seats, becomes the government? I think thats roughly how it works, anyway my family are in a sticky situation, we...
what would be the consequences? would the immigrants allready here have to leave? it would be more difficult for us to move to eruope wouldn't it? what about trade, export and imports? would costs of...
Can anyone tell me how you request a postal vote? my daughter wants one as she is away at uni but registered at home. Do I have to wait until the polling cards arrive?
With the election looming, there's been much discussion on 'Class' on here lately, so how do you, personally, define 'Class'? Take, for example, someone born to a poor family living in a deprived area...
A friend tried to email me a photograph taken with a mobile phone. The email arrived but indicated that OE (Outlook Express) had 'removed the following unsafe attachment' ..... and quoted a...
I've read negative reports about all the minority parties and none of them come out very well. I hate to just waste a vote by spoiling the ballot paper but what is the alternative. ? Which minority...
Hardly a week goes by without a charity collection or appeal of one kind or another. I don't want to be mean or begrudge help, but should all these appeals be necessary in a civilised society? To...
I would like one of those taps that pull out to enable you to rinse the sink, then the tap shrinks back into its casing (not very well described but I hope you know what I mean). My hubby says the...
I'm struggling to get used to Google Chrome and have discovered how to delete history of pages visited, but can some tell me please how to delete temporary files? Thanks.
We hear a lot in the news about strikes or threatened strikes - BA, railways, gas, etc. The Unions almost invariably give pay and 'working conditions', or 'working practices', as reasons. They don't...
I cannot access Orange webmail to check whether I have any incoming emails, or send emails. It was working OK yesterday, 30.03.10, and suddenly it stopped and I now get a blank page, except for a few...
Yesterday and today I get this message when I try to send/receive e mails: The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account:...
I endeavour to maintain a website known as 'Ringmer Neighbourhood Watch' and a few people are telling me they cannot access it. I create it with Microsoft Publisher and recommend Internet Explorer...
I wasn't sure where to put this, but science seems as good as anywhere. We hear a lot of concern about 'landfill' , 'landraise' and seas being polluted, but why is rubbish disposal so problematic when...
The 18.03.10 news reports say that the govt. borrowed less than expected in January, also in February (£12.4bn). Borrowing for the current year has reached £131.9 bn and may be less that...
I have a collection of old film slides, those that measure about 2" x 2", but have no projector or screen and wonder what would be the best way to view them. Is there any means of displaying...