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12, the forest volumes (3,6,5) 19, elderly found in play area (7) 29, Anglo-Saxon in valid Hospice at home Closing date 18th July 2023...
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24, hotel in Ayr on the west coast of Scotland Guide dogs for the blind Closing date 22nd July 2023...
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7, horse not off north east pig from south west France (7,3) 11, springs forth from Belgium (8,7) 12, chickens means of flying in New York State (7,5) 24, Peruvian pulse (4,4) Kelso British heart...
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Anagram Wangle free cold hamper (11,9) Cancer research uk Closing date 19th August 2023...
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4, part of the north west passage 7, total dictatorial control organisation Friockheim bowling club Closing date 30th September 2023...
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19, doing well like an antique coin (2) 21, to resume a task (6) 24,, all’s well (but maybe a little wet?) (3) 28, you deserved that (4) 31, politically more likely to believe in state institutions...
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6, place for us in the bazaar? (10) Christian Aid Closing date 27/05/23...
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6, Ben Nevis eg near royalty 21, which sports legal season runs from 16th June to 15th March Guide dogs for the blind Closing date 27/05/23...
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1, like car head-lights we dazzle (6) 6, place for us in the bazaar (10) 36, famous for cheese (8) Christian Aid quiz Closing date 27/05/23...
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18, a costly footballer (6,6) The hospice at home Closing date 30/05/2023...
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8, edible allium (6,5) 17, Latin dance (5,5) 20, used a lot in Chinese food (6,5) Selkirk parish church Closing date 30/04/2023...
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21, rage. Fox. Do Guide dogs for the blind Closing date 18/03/2023...
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11, ploughing and sowing in one operation (2) 15, person or thing doomed (2) 25, time of great heat (2) Friockheim bowling club Closing date 27/05/2023...
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2, mcguigan 15, wise associate Children in need Closing date 18/03/2023...
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6, Gillian dottest (3) 15, hedge allithwaite (3) Appletreehall SWI Closing date 31/03/2023...
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8, building up to this (9) 10, one of a singing duo (9) 45, makers charts (12) 50, building advisor (8) Save the children fund Closing date 25/03/23...
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9, clean. Mediate 11, troops. Mr ford Example: modest. Grope. = humble. Fumble Hospice at home Closing date 28/02/2023...
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11, loamunt 20, wolf set to 25, hot film hr 28, what sireen Anagrams Hospice at home Closing date 28/02/23...
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4, cash for dime (4,2,5) 8, harm Sunday duty (6,8) 18, ho a guy builds a tank (6,4,7) 22, vast kings right haven (7,12) 27, under my amber canes (11,6) Anagrams My name’5 Doddie foundation Closing...
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5, the shaft or a feather before the Spanish 9, imperial measure of land 18, when he proposed she got Guide dogs for the blind Closing date 14/01/2023...

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