7, horse not off north east pig from south west France (7,3) 11, springs forth from Belgium (8,7) 12, chickens means of flying in New York State (7,5) 24, Peruvian pulse (4,4) Kelso British heart...
19, doing well like an antique coin (2) 21, to resume a task (6) 24,, all’s well (but maybe a little wet?) (3) 28, you deserved that (4) 31, politically more likely to believe in state institutions...
11, ploughing and sowing in one operation (2)
15, person or thing doomed (2)
25, time of great heat (2)
Friockheim bowling club
Closing date 27/05/2023...
8, building up to this (9)
10, one of a singing duo (9)
45, makers charts (12)
50, building advisor (8)
Save the children fund
Closing date 25/03/23...
4, cash for dime (4,2,5) 8, harm Sunday duty (6,8) 18, ho a guy builds a tank (6,4,7) 22, vast kings right haven (7,12) 27, under my amber canes (11,6) Anagrams My name’5 Doddie foundation Closing...
5, the shaft or a feather before the Spanish
9, imperial measure of land
18, when he proposed she got
Guide dogs for the blind
Closing date 14/01/2023...