I'm currently setting up my own mobile beauty business in gran canaria, only doing nails, semi permanent lashes and makeup I need to think of a rememberable name for my business cards and flyers my...
The story below. Basically, a man has a: 1) "psychotic episode". 2) Drives the wrong way down a road hitting a car 3) Gets 3 swords from his car 4) Goes mad and approaches police brandishing a sword...
During a conversation in News the other day, I said I know many people who have changed their political allegiance from Labour to Conservative, but none at all who have swapped from Conservative to...
I read from, 'Sämtliche Werke und Briefe in Vier Bänden', a biography of the Berlin German woman poet; Mascha Kaléko, that in 1952 she sent one of her poems to Albert Einstein, the opening line...
..Exactly the same but with massive eyes and fake tans apprently.
The government is launching a multi-million pound army recruitment campaign, there must be a reason why. The country in question is the UK, soon not to be the UK if the people currently resident in...
I don't know what to do about my relationship - i feel as though it's falling apart and i really don't think i care, except that i don't want to hurt him by ending it. we've been together 4 to 5 years...
For over 50 years living in the UK I have been pronouncing strength as 'strenth'. Recently on BBC 4 I have heard the Open University people saying strength with a hard 'g' between the 'stren' and the...
Jacques Santer said that economic union in the EU would not work without political union/integration. How right he was when you look at the Eurozone now. Can anyone think of another example of a...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2532062/British-companies-advertise-5-000-jobs-Romania-doors-open-EU-migrant-workers.html Nice to see some of our politicians are actually personally welcoming...
Many people have wondered for centuries as to whether Angels are real or imaginary. To those people who feel they have actually seen an angel, there is no debate.
Good morning everyone. The last one has disappeared from the latest posts. So I'll start you off with;- Morning has broken Like the first morning Blackbird has spoken Like the first word Praise for...
I'd been chatting with a guy on a dating website and after about a week he gave me his number so we started texting. He'd text me just about everyday and then he asked me on a Date. We got on great,...
has anyone had surgery for bad acid reflux & did it work. I ask because after suffering indigestion, heartburn & stabbing pains in ribs for the last 18 months,I think that is what the consultant is...
I am trying to reduce my electricity consumption as I seem to be paying a ridiculous amount each month. I have made the most obvious economies already, but does anyone know if it cheaper to boil water...