who did you like singing the best ? for me it was Madness singing " Our House" on the roof of Buck House. Would like to have seen Paul Potts or Subo included in the concert though, did we...
Is it just me or could Ed Sheeran be a younger brother to Prince Harry?
I'm not, unfortunately, computer friendly enough to put them together in a photo....
Tuesday. The festival is over. Now comes the big clean up. I've still got 15 boats to get out of the water. Roll on tomorrow! :o}
Have a happy day everyone....
Being 67 and a disabled pensioner I have always defended the elderly, but i was sorely tested today with a general display of impatience,ignorance and bad manners, where was all this , why the local...
I'm having problems with Autotrader and wondered if it's my laptop or them. Could somebody pull up a selection of cars and then click on the main picture of one of the cars itself. Then when you have...
In the video for YMCA, the Highway Patrol Officer has a pair of handcuffs attached to his waistband. As he dances, the handcuffs appear to be constantly tapping him in the groin area. As all we men...
It's Monday and still overcast. It's the last day of the festival and we had quite enough rain then, so don't want any more.
Have a happy day everyone....
Ed appears to have had his techies slaving away and has now put matters right with FF12. However FF13 is being released in two days time (June5th) and it is possible that there could be further...
I went to my aerobics class this morning and they had 100% male attendance and less than 50% female attendance.
Surely this proves women are fickle.
Little Tiggs has chicken pox and the spots are at the pre-scab stage. Looks like were stuck indoors for the next few days :o( Mr Tiggs has never had chicken pox so he said he wouldn't come to visit in...
I've just driven to work and didn't see
any bunting outside any hou or business. Nothing. Until I went past the local mosque. It's absolutely covered in the stuff. Fab!...
I always seem to get an answer straight away on here. How do people tend to find the questions in the first place? Through Google or do people sit and look for the latest posts and chip in if they...
We've recently laid a new carpet and our two cats are exercising their claws on it - just in one spot, so far. What's a good way to stop them? They desist when we shout but even a few seconds of...
Have seen drivers , through no fault of their own but the can not be seeing where they are going .If they are compelled to have cushions then their feet wont reach the pedals . So should the...