Do you go for the odds, the horses name, the colours or what? I've picked one because it is my lucky number and one because it has part of my name in it.
Was discussed on tv earlier - does it really annoy women that much??I mean, men dont complain when women leave the seat down do they? And I am the only female in our house lol.
Driving to work minding my own busines on the motorway could see this car bearing down on me very fast, couldnt pull over as i was on part of motorway that was 2 lanes. The usual happened flashing...
Like many others on here I get lots of phishing emails and so-called 'Nigerian Fraud' scam emails, HMRC tax refunds etc, but today I have received an offer from the FBI of a big share of £900...
Would it not be a good idea for school's to 'adopt' a disabled child in the community and fundraise to help them with the things they need such as equiptment to help them get around etc. I think that...
In work today we were all chatting about England and I said the amount of immigrants was out of control that are allowed in each year and should be reduced, I was branded a racist and got threatened...
It is not a joke thats why its here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - There was a man who lost one of his arms in an accident. He became very depressed because he loved to play Golf . One day in his...
Nobody here seems to think of the truck drivers. They are the most inconsiderate of all. Indicators, the minute they are turned on it gives them the right to change lanes, whether there are cars...
I know this should be in tv but better response here so there! What old programmes would you like to see recreated or repeated. I would go for:- Playing the field A bit of a do Clocking off...
if you had the chance to live anywhere on the planet, never needed to work again, all accommodation - leisure activities and food provided free of charge, and no money worries whatsoever ... where...