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Where have all the birds gone? We used to have flocks of sparrows, starlings, bluetits etc etc in the garden. Now all we have are magpies. And grey squirrels. Is there any connection I wonder?
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An elderly lady entered the Bank of England one morning carrying a shopping bag, and asked to see the manager. "There's ?25000 in this bag. I'd like to open an account." "Goodness" said the manager,...
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My computer has an A: drive (3? inch floppy) and a D: drive (CD-ROM). I want to back up files onto the D: drive, but when I invoke the Windows XP backup wizard, and arrive at the point where it...
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A young couple got married and on their wedding night the bride produced a black box and showed it to her husband. "Now this is mine" she said, "and in it are things personal to me. You must never...
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Most of the questions in the music category seem to refer to pop music. There may well be some serious music questions there, but they're well hidden. How about two music categories: pop and other?
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I recently received a CD copy of an LP. For some reason only one channel appears on the recording. Is there any way of re-recording so that the music is in both channels? The LP was in mono, but even...
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No young person expects to grow up and be as stupid as his or her parents.
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If there's one thing a vulture can't stand it's a glass eye.
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Here is a logic problem I came across many years ago. I cannot now remember the solution, nor can I work it out. Anyone seen it before and can remember the answer? Or can anyone work it out? There is...
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Fred went to his doctor complaining of severe headaches. The doctor examined him and announced: "You have a very rare condition in which your testicles are pressing against the base of your spine, and...
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A married couple were walking in a shopping area when they came to a pet shop. In the window, asleep in a basket, was a really striking-looking cat. It really was a beauty, and a notice announced that...

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