OH's car heater has packed in, he's not too pleased (depite the warmish weather) I can remember when cars didn't have heaters, we used to be swathed in car rugs to keep warm. There were no...
Am I too late to add comments (if any) about this? The voice of my childhood Daphne Oxenford died recently, 'Listen with Mother,' in my case with grandma, 'Are You Sitting Comfortably? Then I'll...
Have had a lone fieldfare in our garden (in Yorkshire) for over a week now, he looks fit and well and is eating all the holly berries, just wondering where all his mates are and will he catch up with...
Handsome stray cat turned up here in March, very friendly, been feeding him (of course) and he's been living in the g/house. He's been able to sprint from the g/house to the kitchen door within...
In the song 'Mi Granny' by The Fivepenny Piece (poem by Samuel Laycock I think) there is a line 'God bless her oo's FARRENTLY looking,' can anyone explain to me what FARRENTLY means in this context....
16 d Slight drizzle almost bound to upset deer, I have S?R???L?
22 a New venture involves good Russian writer ?U?G???V
Last two of yet another Mail xword with very obscure clues!!!...
We have a WB CH boiler installed about 4 years ago has been working OK but last week was leaking from some discharge pipe. British Gas man (service contract) has been and fixed the leak and it's now...
OK, which acting coach trained this obviously talented infant to glare sideways at Sally everytime he was in shot and cry whenever she tried to comfort him? He was brilliant! Best of all the cast last...