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chris monks
Which tv advert does Etta James sing I Just Wanna Make Love to You
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does anyone know the background music for this advert?
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what is the music from the xelibri advert?
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can anyone tell me the song played in the lynx dry advert? has the words 'girls girls' in it and is kinda spanish-latiny. Its not the jay-z version. Thanks
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what is the name of the song in the Lynx Dry ad with 'Girls Girls' in it?
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I want to know, once and for all, if anyone actually KNOWS the title of the song on the new Lynx advert? It starts off with something like #Girls, girls, come with me, be my guest, 1-2-3#!! It's not...
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Does anyone know the name of the song or the band playing on the latest lynx advert (the one that say men's sweat only attracts other men)? Thanx
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Does anyone know the name of the song or the band playing on the latest lynx advert (the one that say men's sweat only attracts other men)? Thanx
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What is the title of the song in the new Woolworths advert
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what is the theme music for the aol 8 advert
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What is the music on the new Audi A8 ad?
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what music has been used for?
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What is the title and artist of the music for the latest lexus advert
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what is the music used in the lexus rx300 ad
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what is the music in the new Mercedes advert i saw in the cinema before Matrix Reloaded?
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whats the music to the powerade advert?

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