I know Journey the songs Separate Ways have the lyrics some day love will find you break these chains that bind you but I'm looking for a woman who sings the same or close to lyrics about breaking...
My friend was telling me about a country song that came out possibly 4-5 years ago. It said something about " I wasn't there when you either made or created the stars( you meaning God ) We are racking...
A friend of mine is looking a a country song song by a male maybe 4 yrs ago. It has the lyrics in it something about I wasn't there when you ( God ) created or painted the stars. Guess it's a tear...
I asked this question early about who sings a song about either taking my eyes off you,I keep looking at you or something like i keep staring at you. Its a man singing it. I believe it's a...
I heard a song today while walking into a Walmart on some guys radio as he was driving by. It had the lyrics I can't help looking at you or can't take my eyes off you. It's not the old song by a...
I've been racking my brain trying to think of the song that has the lyrics in it My friends say I've been acting peculiarly I think it maybe a Foreigner song. Hmmmm I give up!!!! Can anyone help??????
Awhile back I was looking for a song with the lyrics I'll miss you while you are sleeping and I did receive some answer with no luck!!!! If anone would I'd help I'd appreciate it!! Thanks!!!