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keeps out the cold from irish sea breeze (8)
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almost ready toeat and not off(5) child has a shortened h ead(6)strand owned by a womens organisation(7) facial feature carried here (11)
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1 initially no one realised why it could help(7) 2 kitchen equipment at races(9)3 five hundred ended(5)4 broken bridge in rome (10) thanks
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last 3 to get would really like your help thanks in advance arch nail case(4) hire junior post(5) scheme bail loyalty(5)
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28a Loud & harsh (8) 29a Affair, concern (6) - A - T - R 22d keeps for future, saves (6) - T- - - S 21D Spanish festival (6) - I - - - A THANKS AS ALWAYS FOR ANY HELP
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stock boil population(4) rain emperor patch (6) job note card(4) stream cast pour(4) under breaking sheet(6)
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waltz whirl nights (8) think its vienese but not good at spelling lucent act atlantic(4)grid library character(9)column space ad (8)member story history(4 thanks
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bens only the third of my leaders (6) grannys safe fall to the ground (5-7)thanks
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really stuck with a four letter word that means top of a hill, a swelling or to break a piece from - any ideas anyone. Thanks
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transfer small clock sound for some money6letters what david from the office drives (9) king or queen maybe assuming big town (7-4)top part of gabriel(9) what movie character jason speaks through(11)...
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Lewis Ellis
1) Sticky sweet stuff 6.5 2) Scented sweet 5.6 3) Eloquent 6.7 4) Tarzans real home 9 5)Devoted dog 10.5 6) Sweet stuff 5.5 realise 1 and 6 are very similar so must be two answers! Any ideas please
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I advertised a charity quiz last week and was surprised at the number of initial responses but these have dropped off, presumably because the post is now way down the list and nothing comes up when...
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13 not very often 14 soundslike a dancing pig11 a tiny hole in the ground 23 what you have to do if you broke;em 47 ------and weep
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Don't forget to send for the 2009 Stamford Festival Crptic Quiz - 40 questions on the theme of Easter. Please send ?1 (cheques payable to Stamford Festival Association) + SAE to: Carol Harkness, 9...
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if allowed which phrase would score the most ? 1 good friday 2 easter sunday 3 easter monday
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20 Try out a heavy weight 46 Dispose of oak No number of letters given for answer Thank you for any replies Q
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I'm just stuck on the last few - very grateful for any help and guidance! 39. Keeps you going (8 letters) -I believe that this may have either 8 or 9 letters if rumours of a typo are right - and I've...
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keeps you going (8)sounds like a gun(6)champagne bottle?(9-2)
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does he check an irish county 9-7 sounds like a gun 7 dont have nightmares 10 keeps you going 8 big apple squad 4-4 american outlaw 5-5 clerical sleuth 6-5 sergeant now leading 5 and arrows and lifts...
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last two to get help please with s.a.s.t.r. and lcbd

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