1 in memory of a queens escort [6-8] 2 snakelike water?[10] 3 no artificial creatures here[7-7-6] 4 good for shopping [6-6] 5 stroll between mini aviaries [8-4]
1[ elizabeth 11 on the throne and margaret thatcher as prime minster [5-2-3] 2[ metalworker from metropolis [7-5]3 a character from a midsummer nights dream [6] 4 americans go off to new york [5]
Good Evening All Answerbankers Earlier this week after a long illness MadSteve passed away at home with members of his family around him. In the time Steve was a member of Answerbank, he often spoke...
34. Sick chaplains
62.Used in WQorld War 1 by the Germans
65. Green cable- think this maybe earth but it does say each answer contains a colour
66. A red candle
1 nearlysounds like its not happened yet [7] 2 sounds like it could be used in cooking [10] 3 lady ------[early polition] [6] 4 unseasonal weather sign [6-9]
1 sounds like a stunt pilots daring manoeuvre [5] 2 i see cestestial being change round [8] 3 shrub growing wild at sandringham [12] 4 or bitter root [5] 5 sounds like a nervous mouth action [5]...