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Its been so ferkin funny on here today and tonight but I must bid you farewell for the night. So g'night folks. LMFNO
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I had a Guiness for the first time in about 5 years today... and i must say it was horrible, i couldnt wait to get back onto a pint of lager afterwards. It was like drinking cold coffee, why is it so...
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not only have they managed to get mu name registered on the site, which is ridiculous unless they have used that woingdings thingy, they have copied and pasted a thread of mine that was...
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the one from Wednesday that i posted after my Peruvian Indian thread mysteriously disappeared, it's the first sign of any editorial intervention since Wednesday, and so i assume there have been some...
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Saw this in The Guardian today. Checked it out. And ... ... it's true !!!!! Maradona had a fake willy, which he used to cheat his way through drug tests. And ... in 2003 ... somebody nicked it. It was...
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if you've had one of those days
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a) one b) several c) infinitesimal amount d) as many as knobby.
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Have a go at this
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I'm leaving
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does anyone know of any treatment that relieves the symptoms of tennis elbow? ice? heat packs? thanks x
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Excellent - 1st class ploy to increase site popularity by internal spats - in the steps of teeny IT 'grammers? Doesn't work - as we view rather than post. lol lol who's fooling who? Get off your butts...
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I missed the boat then?
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tiggerblue10 tures/gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=14362898&imag eindex=14
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For a pleasant experience when coming on here, I only joined id Feb, and I have seen a a big change in some attitudes, Of cause you can't always be nicey-nice, wouldn't expect that, but what kind of...
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argumentative - men or women? And why do you think this?
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quizzes & puzzles a nice place to go for a vacation?
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stompe2 Good Bye All! Last ever Post!

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