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Who are the Three/Four Legends for your region?
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its very slow on here today . do you really think people have a life out side ab .? the only ones on here today are the ab addict ?i need to ask the doc how can i break this nasty bad habit as it has...
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I am going to Italy in June but have never flown before and am quite scared of it! I don't really want to take tablets but was wondering what ones I could take if it came down to it, to calm me down?
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Why are all the Watford v Man Utd players wearing them ??
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Hammond Egg
Good grief . . . what has happened? I agree with Craig, there are far too many categories, but there isn't one for International football and there isn't one for general football - and I don't think...
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This is the funniest site on the web; anything and everything goes on here. I like it here, even the craziness that happens at times. Oh, and I miss the sexyrussian drama series :-)
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Have I missed it this year? and if so, who won?
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Notified by AB that a thread I had running on the Grand Naitonal had been moved from sports to adverts. If anybody spots it let me know.
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when is the last time you ate a rich tea biscuit?
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if you were to die tomorrow, what would be the one thing that you would regret not doing in your life, be it a lost chance or an achievement, whatever? now no smart answers saying you would be dead...
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For anyone else who's been insulted and abused by the above aka Ward-Minter. I had a run in with him as he's begun abusing my son again and actually said we commit incest. This oh so brave man? hurls...
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What's yours and why ? ( Not fave user btw ) Mines baldhair, not just because it's a nice oxymoron, it just tickles me x x
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You need a "other sports" category as well methinks. Where are the Darts questions going to go, Snooker, Swimming & Tiddlewinks as well??
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thanks for putting together a sports site, and love all the football bits - why do people moan about this....
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What do you prefer: pool, bar billiards or darts??
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Hi I had a thread running on the Grand Naitonakl. Any chance of saying where it has disappeared to.
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brian j john
do you think it would be worth mailing the editor through the contact link about the new sports section format because it is rubbish and not very user friendly at all and much too detailed
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How about a section for any questions related to Messrs Rimmer, Finnan, Kanchelskis, Anelka, Earnshaw, Keegan, Kanu or Ziege.
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Check out the SPORT section people. What do you think about it? We've got a facelift!!

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