This page contains a site report about is currently the #26,947 biggest website in the world. The domain has a valid Google Pagerank of 3. We estimate this...
Is this true, I always thought that you were never too old to learn something new, and if so what happens to all those poor dogs in the celebrity world after they've passed their use by date?
What are the current laws on these, are they still legal? I heard that you could have these in the home but not in the garden or on the street with you. So how do you get them home after buying them...
Are these really grown men playing? Im sick to the back teeth of the nonstop diving does this only happen in the world cup? These players should be heavily fined and banned from many games if they are...
Im talking about Armpits and you know where. I've always been a firm believer in a good clean *House and garden* Ive used scissors in the past but have recently moved to electric hair trimmers for...
Have any of you ever had an Idea or have one currently that could've made you money or could right now? What is the best way forward if you are low on cash but have a revolutionary Idea?
I reckon this is bull, has anyone heard of or been with a cheater that cheated only once and never again? Or maybe with a spouse beater that has raised their hand but never done it twice? Just for the...
From what I've gathered I think this is usually from parents that may have been beaten hard when they were younger and do not want to inflict this on their kids, or by soft or politically correct...
I have a very worried friend with a two year old son that has recently started slapping himself in the head and headbutting objects whenever he's angry? Frustrated? She and I has had a read of similar...
Where would be the most appropriate place put this as there doesn't seem to be a comic section. I thought maybe literature but Im not so sure that will be apt.
If so what is your overall view of it and where do you buy yours from and how much? I understand there are many brands some superior to others so I'm trying to work out the best one.