Set on showing this charity event (8) ?e?e????
Worm girl found on hat (7) a???l?d
Small boy stands on a border - such might get you madder (9) ??r?a?i?t
Rich food not genuine - after cooking, I cut right through it
See red shirt-like garment adorning wife, a leader of fashion
P?o? ? ???e
Many thanks...
9. Refined graduate with first from Newnham jumps into river (6) ?r?a?e
27. Took back a bit of old clothing (4) t???
25. Some work shifting sand (3) e??
Thank you...
19 Chief military commander gripping butt of ancient weapon (7)
26 Criminal in Merseyside port, German pocketing grand (10)
9 Respond humorously to fool getting comfortable role? (4,2,4,4)
27 Is worried about small son getting pet (6)
23 Small girl gets fish (5)
2 Designer's work parish priest goes around in? The opposite! (7) C?e?u?e 3 Locate the lady — cherchez la femme! (5) e?f?l 22 Count blames soldiers doing a bunk (6) ?e?s?s Thanks in advance...
Stuck on three
TV series open about king (4,4) ?t?r????
Private, not one to join up (6) ?o?d??
Leader in group, daughter sank off Baltic port (6) ?d?n??
Thank you...